Monday, June 27, 2011

Rain Rain go away..

This week was supposed to be full of sunshine and lots of laying out by the pool so Jennifer could get a tan for her brothers wedding on Saturday! But nooo it has to be stormy all day. I even went to the pool a few days ago with hopeful spirits and about 15 minutes in was greeted with a downpour. I know we need the rain, but come on mother nature can't you wait until at least 3 in the afternoon? My soon to be sister-in-law is Columbian, who obviously has great tan skin, and my brother looks like he could be Hispanic. I will not be the pasty white girl in the pictures we're going to look at for years to come. So, I have resulted to going to the tanning bed tomorrow! Hopefully 3 days will make a difference! haha Yes I know this is pathetic and I don't care :)

Soo day 4 of Project 31.. Today should be easy. Just post a picture of your favorite outfit. Well for anybody else they could probably just pick a picture of themselves wearing something they like. But, if you know me AT ALL, you know that I absolutely adore clothes. I have an unhealthy obsession with shopping. I fall in love with clothes and I'm pretty sure my heart physically hurts when I find clothes I love and I can't buy them, especially dresses (gorgeous ones at Banana Republic right now, but they are too much $$. I hated walking away from them!) I have not bought something before and thought and thought about it so much I had to go back and get it. My whole day's mood can revolve around what I am wearing. I vividly remember what I wear and when I wear it. I don't like to repeat clothes within the same month. I am one of those crazy people that will notice when somebody wears something repeatedly. I can tell my friends exactly what they wore to every school dance even when they can't, right Erika? ;) . I remember memories based on the clothes I wore. My clothes just make me happy :) So to ask me to post a picture of my favorite outfit is seriously impossible. BUT there is one thing I LOVE to wear more than just about anything and that is....

PAJAMAS!! :) I know I just said that I love clothes, and trust me I do, but nothing feels as good as my pajamas. As soon as I come home for the day I change into my Pajamas weather it is 1:00 in the afternoon or 8:00 at night. And I love those Saturdays where I go no where and can just wear my pajamas all day long. I especially love the winters where I can wear my hoodie and fuzzy socks too :) So this is me: shopping addict, clothes lover, and pajamas wearer :)


  1. so cute :) i didn't scroll down so i was waiting for a super fabulous outfit...pjs! hahah too cute :)

  2. and this is one of the reasons we are best friends :) PJ's anytime of the day pal. best way to go!!

  3. Lovin' all the Belmont that is rep'd in those PJ pics! haha PJ times are great :)
