Well friends, I am feeling incredibly blessed this weekend. It has been an amazing 4 days! Went from one celebration to the next. My brother got married on Saturday! YAY! The wedding was so wonderful! I am very happy to have gained another sister! I can't believe it's all over! They are off to Puerto Rico tomorrow for the honeymoon! We had lots of fun the next day with both families at the beach. I tried ocean kayaking and it was so much fun! I will definitely be doing that again! Then we celebrated fourth of July and my other sister-in-laws birthday! I had actually had two fourth of July celebrations! One with my family and one with Lindy's :) I just love fireworks!! I can still hear them going on outside my house at 12:30am! Fireworks can make anyone happy, seriously. Try to be mad and watch fireworks. You won't stay that way for long. I am SO not looking forward to going back to gainesville and class tomorrow. I just want to stay at the beach forever! I am in denial that I have homework due tomorrow. I don't exactly know when it is going to get done, but ya know I'll think about that, eh about an hour before class :) So instead of doing that dreaded homework I am uploading pictures to facebook and updating all you wonderful blogger friends about my fantastic weekend! And while I'm at it, here are some of my favorite pictures from this weekend :)
The Fike Kids, old and new :)
Addie and the puppies! She ADORES them! :)
Sorry I haven't posted this whole weekend on my Project 31, but I've been a little busy :) Today's questions is Has the World's definition of beauty ever jaded you. The answer is a big fat ridiculous yes. I don't know if anyone can say no to this question. Whenever we look at ourselves and see something wrong and complain about it and wish we were a different way we are comparing ourselves to what the world has defined as beauty. I think that it is a bunch of bologna that the world shows these woman all airbrushed and stick thin on t.v. and magazines. Real women don't look like that. Period. Real women got some curves friends. I wish that our world was like it used to be, I think during the Baroque or Renaissance when "big" women were the thing. You know you see those pictures of women that to us look overweight compared to current society's views, but that was what was popular during that time. A woman with a figure was to be envied. But nope, not like that anymore. I do let the worlds view of beauty get to me sometimes, but regardless it doesn't matter what the heck the world says. All that matters is that God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He made me curves and all and I am not going to starve myself to look like those models on t.v. or criticize myself because I don't look like that. Who wants to be a size zero anyways, that isn't a real size ;) So embrace the way you look! Yes, I think we should be healthy and Lord knows I do have some weight to lose, but I am not doing it because the world says I am fat. I am doing it to get healthy and to take care of my body. I want to feel better and live a long happy life :)
Phew, done with that rant ;) Some of these questions get me going! Love you friends and Happy Fourth of July!
Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made indeed!