Taking in back to the days :) haha This was high school sometime! Sorry I had to bust out the braces, but we just look so young! haha
Where do I even being? It all started with Lauren's 14th birthday party, I think? Us sharing a chair and bonding over "bunny" and devil in a blue dress! haha You are and always will be my best friend. I don't even know how we went through 1 1/2 years of college living 4 1/2 hours away! You understand me like no one else does. You know EVERYTH
time. I don't even know if we've ever gone a whole day without talking. Okay, jk when I'm o
dream right? I love you friend. You are a strong, beautiful, funny, intelligent, kind, giving, compassionate, and loving person. You are going to make a fantastic wife and mother one day. I can't wait to be around to see all that God has planned for your life. You are truly stunning and beautiful inside and out!! LOVE YOU! :) And here's to hoping your mom's prediction will come true ;)

ING about me and yet still somehow love me. You are my constant support and always there for me. You put up with my off key singing of the wrong lyrics and my loopy crazy nights, Eleka nahmen nahmen, just had to ;) You will clean my entire apartment just because you want to. You make me laugh like nothing else. I don't think we can be together a
nd not laugh, just impossible. We may be annoying and giggly sometimes, but that's just us and I wouldn't change it for the world :) I love that you analyze every little thing, which can be good and bad ;) We share a love of Barnies, which is reason enough to love anybody :) I love that you just understand me. I can just look at you and you know what I'm thinking. I love that we will always have a special place in our hearts for JB ;) I can't really ever think of a time where we had a huge fight. We just get along all the time. I hate being away from you for an extended amount of
n a cruise. But that doesn't count because I didn't have internet or phone access so it wasn't by choice :) I know that we will be friends for a very long time and I can't wait for the day that we can raise our families together. Which brings me t
o another point. I especially can't wait until I can meet the lucky man who gets to marry you! I pray for him (and mine of course) a lot. I know that God has the perfect man already picked out and he is just preparing him now for you. We just have to wait a little bit longer for him to come! Like we used to say in high school "the longer the wait, the better the mate!" :) I'm still holding on to that statement! Maybe God has some twins or brothers picked out for us ;) haha We can only
Ahhhhhhhh! You both are blessed to have each othe!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE seeing friends so close! It's a weird thing of mine, but seeing long lasting friendships makes me smile!