So folks, this is the day I have been waiting for since I started this thing! Day 11:Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out. Pictures Please! Yes!! My specialty! I LOVE cooking, especially baking. I would bake every day if my wallet and stomach allowed me too! I really can't choose which recipes to share, SO I am going to share my all time favorite dessert and a 2 desserts that I haven't made yet, but look delicious! I will be making them soon, and maybe ya'll can too :)
So the first one is none other than my Peanut Butter Pie! If you haven't had this pie, then you are seriously missing out in life. This pie has won we not 1, or 2, but 3 bake-offs and I've even had a marriage proposal from a guy who tried it. Yes, ladies, the w
ay to a mans heart is through his stomach. Although, that hasn't proven to work out so well for me yet. But ONE DAY, my man will appreciate my skills in and out of the kitchen ;)
This pie is super easy to make and always goes over great at parties! So here's the recipe!
1 Baked Pie Shell- I like graham cracker crust but you can use any pie crust you want!
1 large instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
1 cup confectioners sugar
½ cup peanut butter
8 oz. cool whip
Using 2 knives cut peanut butter into sugar until well blended and crumbly. Beat pudding mix and milk together and put in refrigerator for 1 hour. Put crumbly mixture in bottom of pie shell, but save some to put on top of pie. Spoon in pudding and spread evenly. Cover completely with all of cool whip. Sprinkle the reserved crumbs on top of cool whip. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. If you want to put in a 9 x13 pan double all ingredients.And here it is, in all it's deliciousness :)

Ok, so that is my favorite recipe! Now onto more fun goodies! These are 2 recipes I just found earlier today that I REALLY want to make. The first is a Smore's Cake. Doesn't this just look like yummy goodness all wrapped in a nice layer of chocolate?
I found this on my new favorite site, Pintrest! Go check it out, Uh-Mazing! But anyways, here is a link to the girls blog that has this recipe on it!
Going along with the smores theme because I love anything chocolate and marshmallows, are smore's cookies! These look to die for too! I think I am going to make them on Thursday for my last day with my tutee's at school! I told him I would make brownie cookie bars but these look SO much better! I also found these on pintrest and this girls blog has some really great recipes! I got like 4 other ones on here! The Cookie Dough Dip looks fantastic as well! So here is her blog and the recipe!
Don't they look like ooey gooey heaven? yummm!

I hope ya'll enjoythese! I could seriously post every day about baking! How fun would that be! :) I'd love to hear about anybody else's favorite recipes or just something fun and new you tried! :) Happy Baking ya'll :)
Oh my goodness. I need chocolate now.
ReplyDeleteStooooppppppppp!!!! You're amazingness!!