So I started my blog tonight fully intending to only write my project 31 Post, but literally 2 seconds after I opened this new post, my best friend and I were texting about something, and I feel compelled to write about it.
So long story short I was talking about how the devil has just really been trying to bring me down these past few days. I have been having great quiet times and really feeling content and just great about everything in life. But then bring in a few difficult situations and all those peaceful content feelings were out the window. How can my feelings change so drastically? I have been letting the devil creep into my thoughts and make me feel things I shouldn't be feeling just because of something stupid. Well my friend said that I just needed to keep praying about it and I need to find new ways to spend time with God. The thing I loved that she told me was to "spice it up like in any relationship." Now, I am one of those crazy girls who dreams about what it will be like to be married and I have on more than one occasion thought about ways to keep the sizzle and spice going in a marriage ;) BUT I have never thought about doing that in my relationship with God. But of course. It only makes sense!! It is like any other relationship. I need to talk to him, spend time with him, and become close with him. It becomes mundane to do the same thing over and over. So, my goal friends is to think of new fun and exciting ways to "spice up" my time with God! And I want your suggestions! So seriously, anything you got throw them at me! I want crazy, fun, and lame ideas :)

Now onto Project 31. Today's challenge is to write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive. Jeeesh, hard question. Obviously I want to say Jesus, but I think we all already know this and it is self-explanatory :) Sooooo I have to go with my niece, even though she will probably never see this. haha My precious little niece, Addison, is 18 months old and just the cutest thing you have ever seen. See above picture.....She's a cutie. Am I right or am I right? It seems like just yesterday she was born and it makes me sad to think how fast she has grown up. Holding her for the first time is one of my happiest memories.
My heart was so full of joy and love for this little human being that I had just met. I cannot even fathom how I will feel when it is actually my child. Holy cow, I can't wait for that feeling. Anyways, Addie, is just amazing. I cannot wait to watch her grown up and talk more and be able to stay the night with her cool aunt Jen! Hopefully she'll have lots of little cousins one day to play with too :) It's amazing how smart she is and how quickly she learns. I am definitely a proud aunt! There is something so special about babies. I really love any babies, but the fact that we're related makes it all that much better :) I pretty much think she is all that and a bag of chips :) So thank you Addie for bringing so much joy to our family and making my heart come alive with love and joy :)
Go on a date with Jesus.... :) somewhere in nature is fun. Like a picnic. It sounds crazy, but it's a beautiful experience. Just leave your cell phone in the car and take your Bible and journal.