Life is great! My week off from school is great and I am NOT looking forward to going back on Tuesday. The only good thing I am looking forward to is we start tutoring! Last year I tutored a 2nd grade boy, and he was just precious! This is me and him!

We had a lot of fun playing football and baking! This year I have two boys, one's going into 2nd grade and another into 7th. I'm nervous about the 7th grader. I just know that he is going to have some major attitude, which I cannot handle. Give me the little ones ANY day! I can just pray he will be a sweet kid who wants to learn :) ha ye
eah probably not, he's being forced to go to summer tutoring! Regardless, I am already praying for these two, that I will be able to help them become superstar readers and in the process show them a little love and encouragement.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow! Lindy and I are going to the Haile Farmers Market in the morning! Ever since we went to that farmers market in Atlanta I've been wanting to go! Then in the evening we have plans to babysit our 3 favorite kids. It's our friend Sarah's anniversary so we're gonna take the kids off her hands and let her enjoy the night with her one :) I am so excited to spend time with them because they are moving to Orlando in August so we won't get to see them as much as we do now. :( And the littlest one, Camden, is getting soo big! Can't believe he is 4 months old! There will be lots of baby snuggling tomorrow :) Isn't he just precious??

Well this was supposed to be like day 3 or 4 of Project 31, but I am a slacker and already behind!! geesh! So this is day 2! The question for today is What Makes you Uniquely You. I actually looked at this question when it was supposed to be day 2 and I had NO idea what to write so I kind of put it off. I find it really hard to talk about myself, especially positively. We all know how to put ourselves down, but not build ourselves up. So this was actually a good thing to think about. I basically decided that makes me uniquely me is my joy. I am naturally just happy almost ALL the time. It is VERY easy to tell if something is wrong with me. People in high school used to ask me how are you so happy all the time. Now, I don't think I am one of those incessantly bubbly kind of annoying people (we all know those people) I just love life and God is so great how could I not be happy. Jesus Christ sent his son to die for ME on the cross and he loves me unconditionally. I really can't even fathom his love for me. And he has already taken my sins, my fears, my failures, my worries, and my anxieties off me. They were on the cross with him. I don't have to worry because I know that God has overcome the world and he has wonderful plans for my life. So in spite of anything that is going on in my life, I can be joyful because the maker of this universe loves me. Isn't that just a great feeling. :) Another thing I thought of that makes me me is that I love to encourage people and cook for people. It bring me so much joy to invite people over to my house for dinner. I just love cooking for people! A lot of my college friends don't cook often and tell me they aren't that good at it. Whereas I love to cook and do it all the time. So I like to share that gift with others and bless them with a meal. I know I won't be able to do that all the time when I am married and have kids, so I'm having my opportunity now to do it!
Those are just a couple things that make me uniquely me. They may not be the most unique qualities, but they describe little ole' me :) So friends, what makes you uniquely you? God tells us that we are his masterpieces, his workmanship. He has made each of us unique and special in our own way. Go embrace your uniqueness!
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